Hello Friends and Neighbors

I am a K-12 SRVUSD Alumnus and parent of three and soon-to-be four children attending school in the district. Probably like you, we sought out a home and life in San Ramon Valley because we couldn’t find anywhere better to have a family. I owe a lot to the broad education that I received here in this district and I feel it’s the best gift I can give my children to have the same opportunity. 

Most of us are pressed for time and being involved in the District at the level of attending or even tuning into a board meeting is tough. In recent years when I’ve had the chance to listen in, I’ve been disappointed at times by the priorities that our current board has emphasized and others that get ignored. I’ve learned enough to know that our district is facing some serious challenges in the next 5 years. I’ve felt that the things that are important for my children seem to be fading into the background and are drowned out by issues that should be peripheral to the mission of the district. I’ve felt like I and other parents were no longer represented at the board, and even that it was preferred that we stay out of the districts’ business. It can be daunting to go to the board meeting and wait your turn to speak and I believe many parents feel the same and their voice is not heard. 

When I heard Karin was running for the school board I thought immediately she would be great. I’ve known Karin and her family for almost 9 years and we have been personally on the receiving end of the Shumway’s service and generosity many times. I’m always astounded that Karin is in so many places all the time yet I’ve come to expect that if there is a need, Karin is already on it. She’s inspired so many around her to also roll up their sleeves and get down to helping out. She’s been the coordinator and organizer of service projects big and small and she knows how to get the people and resources to the need. 

Anyone who has personally known Karin will talk about her friendliness, her outreach, her earnestness, and her knack for identifying what needs to be done and putting a plan and program in motion. I know Karin’s actions come from a place of sincere compassion and interest in the wellbeing of others, particularly children and youth. She has my full confidence when it comes to the priorities and values she would bring to the board of trustees. Karin would be a voice that represents me and many others in this community that I believe are not represented. 

Karin is running for the Area 2 trustee seat for which the incumbent is also seeking reelection. I am grateful to have a choice this election and that Karin has stepped up to serve. She will enrich the board and help steer our district through the coming tough years of tight budgets, staffing shortages and enrollment challenges without being distracted. As with everything I’ve seen her do, this challenge will be met with her boundless energy and her vision for making things better for everyone. I proudly endorse Karin as a candidate for the Area 2 trustee seat in this upcoming election. I invite you to get to know Karin and see for yourself what a fabulous candidate we have and to consider a vote for Karin in November. 

Randahl Hagen